
RoboDoc Trailer is Here!!

As you may or may not know, the magnificent documentary team behind the excellent docs "Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser 1 & 2" and "You're So Cool Brewster!: The Story of Fright Night 1 & 2" have done it again with their new retrospective doc on Robocop called "RoboDoc: The Creation of Robocop"! I've been following the progress of this journey since it's beginning, and though there's still no firm date set for it's release, they decided to release this amazing trailer in honor of Robocop's 30th Anniversary, having been released on this day in 1987. Watch this amazingly kickass trailer and be sure to read some important info below regarding it's release. Enjoy!

TODAY (JULY 17TH) MARKS 30 YEARS of the RoboCop franchise and 1987’s original seminal sci-fi classic movie.
We’re celebrating the anniversary in style!
Here’s the OFFICIAL TRAILER for our upcoming retrospective documentary ROBODOC: THE CREATION OF ROBOCOP. Crafted by our Creative Producer and Editor Eastwood Allen.
This comprehensive documentary promises to explore all things RoboCop and provides an extensive look at every aspect of the original trilogy, plus its ongoing legacy.
We wish to thank our backers, the docs contributors and everyone who has supported us along the way.
Props to our friend BLOOD + CHROME for his sleek end 'RoboDoc' animation.
We want to give a special mention to our recent musical collaborators (featured in the trailer) who are contributing original material to the soundtrack of the doc to coincide with our composed score from Sean Schafer Hennessy.
These guys provide the soundtrack..
Lost YearsSayak StrikerBLOOD + CHROMEProtector 101KalaxArcade High and Timecop1983.
Here's a dose of Robo-nostalgia.

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